Eduard Cremades

Eduard Cremades

πŸ“š Notes

CatalΓ : C

I have a PhD in Chemistry and I teach Science (mathematics, physics and chemistry) at Escola Virolai, Chemistry for over 25 year-olds at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and I am an Associate Professor at Facultat de QuΓ­mica de la Universitat de Barcelona. I am also Member of the Board of Directors of the Societat Catalana de QuΓ­mica. In my spare time I look for relationships between chemistry and popular culture.

  • 🎸 Metal Music
  • πŸ“– Reading
  • 🎞️ Horror Movies
  • πŸŽ“

    Master's Degree in Management of Educational Institutions, 2020

    Universitat de Barcelona

  • πŸŽ“

    PhD in Chemistry, 2012

    Universitat de Barcelona

  • πŸŽ“

    Degree in Chemistry, 2006

    Universitat de Barcelona